Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Damn, These Kids Are Cool | Weddingbee

Damn, These Kids Are Cool Weddingbee

Brand New Blogger!

Holy hell! How does EVERYONE have a blog!?! Just setting it up is overwhelming! (PS if you couldn't tell I love exclamation points! Lots more to come!) Color choices, font choice, etc. I just want it to look decent so I can write on it. As for all of my choices thus far, I reserve the right to change them at any time. I know that continuity is good for a brand but I'm not a brand I'm a person. People are fickle, have mood swings (many in my case), and have the ability to rummage through their emotions and pop out which ever one they feel like without reasonable cause. That last one, in fact, is my favorite.

This blog is a outlet to do just that, post my rants and raves, favorite things and learn a little bit about social media along the way. That's all for now!