Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Obsession of the Week


So please excuse the Polyvore explosion! I'm still learning how to use this thing. The settings have been fixed so this should no longer be a problem.

I've been looking through the Pre-Fall collections and LOVE the bows! They are a pretty feminine detail that adds depth and some great draping.

Obsession of the Week: Bows!! Bonus Obsession: Polyvore!!

Burberry Prorsum Pre Fall 2012

Burberry Prorsum Pre-Fall 2012 Collection Slideshow on

Tara Iwamoto / Pinterest

Donna Karan Pre-Fall 2012 Photo 16

Puppy Love Preschool: Katie Ermilio Spring 2012

Fashion | Jessica Svendsen

Fashion | Jessica Svendsen


Test Board

So I finally figured out how other blogs made all of their cute style boards... POLYVORE!!! This was a test board but these might be the two things I'm most excited about (at the moment) for 2012. Erdem has come out with some amazing collections lately and diamonds are a girl's best friend (obviously!). So excited to come up with new looks!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Fantasy Football Is Like An Abusive Relationship

With every relationship, comes the good, the bad and the ugly. With every abusive relationship you get all of those to the extreme. As a first year Fantasy Football "team owner" (what the hell is that anyway), I feel like I've been knocked around and keep coming back for more. P.S. It's only Week 4.

WARNING: This post contains football player names, positions and abbreviations that you may not understand. Unlike common acronyms used for important medical terms, DO NOT google them, as these DO NOT mean anything of any importance to the real world.

Example (The Worst Offender):

Mike Williams is a WR on Tampa Bay. Our "relationship" started out fine. Week 1 he had 13 points. He was right in the middle of my WRs, Welker with an amazing 34 and Colston with a disappointing 8.6, and doing fairly well.

Then out of the blue, he smacks me with 0.10! 0.00 would have been better. With 0.10 it's like you tried but then gave up. Or better yet you tried, fail and your QB now hates you for the rest of the game. I've seen 0.10 games before but those guys went out injured! After a major blow out, which consisted of me yelling obscenities at my computer, WE WERE DONE! Finished! Broken up!

After my fit of rage, I cursed his name a few times and promptly drafted a new WR. I was an empowered woman that kicked his ass to the curb.

That is until Thursday rolled around...
In a moment of weakness, I looked at the match ups. My new WR was matched up against New England! Being a Fantasy Football virgin, (let's just add insult to injury) NE scares me. They are an amazing team and let's face it, Tom Brady has been unstoppable this season. My new WR was just that, new. I didn't know how he was going to perform. I started to panic and then my eyes landed on Williams. His team was playing Atlanta. (Not as scary at NE) I cursed his name, again, and added him to the active roster. So I guess we're "talking".

Why! Why! Why! Do I keep coming back! Week 3 TWO (The Worst Offender, Williams) had 6.8 points! So some is better than none but not enough to make up for last week! Again profanity ensued, again directed at my computer. After another poor performance, WE ARE DONE, again! Seriously, this time I mean it! I'm not going back. There is nothing he can say, do or a team that he can match up against that will make me take him back.

But then again, it's only Tuesday.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"About Me" by Drea

Totally and completely loyal describes one of Tara's greatest assets. Whether it is taking you to a massage during your first break up or making vodka sodas to start the night right she is always 100% there to get you through the good and the bad and expecting nothing in return.

Amazing and driven, Tara is not afraid to explore her passions and interests and she is even more brave because she is willing to take risks and never have regrets. I have nothing but admiration for Tara and I am so grateful to have her in my life as someone to look up to, confide in, or just get crazy with.

Rarely will you ever find Tara not surprising you. Her intellect, compassion, and killer style will make a five minute hello turn into the most riveting conversation. Some days she's my therapist others my guidance counselor but always one of the people I trust most. Some of the most important conversations of my life have been with Tara, it was because of a conversation with her that I realized my feelings for a sarcastic man with an obsession with WWII. It was Tara who encouraged me to follow my strengths and not feel obligated to follow the path I had started with. Her ability to always see what's best for you while having only good intentions is a quality to cherish. Her brutal honesty keeps things real and though it may be hard to hear sometimes its those moments that you realize what a true friend she is and you are stronger for it and your friendship is even stronger.

A friend forever no matter what city, or career I know that Tara and I will be sipping wine with our gray hair one day laughing about all of our shenanigans that began as wild and crazy gauchos.

Friday, September 23, 2011

"About Me" by Lika

  • dancing/splits queen
  • driven--in many different directions
  • tough shell--soft core
  • neurotic
  • easily grossed out by TMI stories
  • eventual wifey--albeit 5 times divorced (i think that was the initial prediction?)
  • loves men
  • dislikes most women--if you are a woman she likes, you will likely be a forever friend.
  • my college roommate
  • and the one and only "tara-ble"

Obsession of the Week

Ralph Lauren RTW Spring 2012 Pictures from

I am fully aware that NY Fashion Week was a million years ago but I came across this collection and fell in LOVE! Not only do I love the color pallet, mostly neutrals (go figure), but the 20's inspired design feels wearable yet extremely glamorous. Ralph Lauren was a designer I had written off but now it's totally my Obsession of the Week!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"About Me" by Megan

What do you say about your best friend of 21 years?  Although I’d love to share the good stories (and maybe even some pictures of those geeky glasses from kindergarten!), she’d kill me.

Tara is funny, alarmingly smart (although she never believes that she is), and a girly girl to her core.  She hates the beach, getting dirty, or sweating….and do not under any circumstances ask her to go fishing, camping, or snowboarding.  

Tara can talk about the latest fashion trends, and then turn around and argue political theories with you – although I never do this because she always wins.  Majoring in Political Science with a minor in Slavic Languages, she knows way too much for her own good (and speaks Russian to boot!).

Tara is a dancer.  Having been a ballerina for 15 years, she is poised, elegant, and can bend her body in ways that would make you think she is a contortionist…and for god sakes do not go to yoga with her.  Your body will never be able to move the way hers can!

Tara is the kind of friend that will tell you what she thinks.  She will tell you when something makes you look fat, what she thinks of your job, or anything else that you ask her.  But, Tara is the kind of friend whose opinion you always want to hear – because you know at the heart of it, she always wants what is best for you.

She is the kind of friend that mails you surprises because she knows you are starting a new job, have a big date, or just because! She’s generous to a fault and will literally drive across the state just to visit you for a night because she knows it’s your birthday (and understands how much you hate your birthdays).

Now don’t get me wrong, Tara can be a pain in the ass.  She’s stubborn and can drive you crazy. The past 21 years hasn’t always been so kind to us.  We’ve fallen into situations where it challenges us as individuals and as friends.  But at the end of the day, she’s my best friend…and practically family. 

Tara is hitting her stride.  She’s navigating some pretty major life changes with the wisdom of someone twice her age – and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that whether it’s this blog or the next phase of her life, she’s coming out on top! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"About Me" by Anna & David

  • spunky
  • spontaneous
  • passionate
  • sarcastic
  • organized
  • hapa
  • flexible (physically)
  • too hot to handle!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"About Me" by Jen

Tara is a fiercely loyal friend.  Someone who is always what you need her to be, either a hang out buddy or a partner in crime.  While we all give in to drama once in a while, she is not one to dwell on it.  She is someone you feel lucky to have in your corner.

Monday, September 19, 2011

"About Me" by Jamie

How to describe who Tara is? 

Tara is caring.  She flew all the way to Nebraska, (yes, Tara braved cows and cornfields) to share in my wedding day and make me feel like a beautiful bride by doing my makeup. 

Tara is direct.  When I wore a new dress to work, she said it looked like a “potato sack”.  Direct, yes, but also appreciated.  I never wore that again!

Tara is fashionable.  She can rock the high heels and is always on top of the latest styles.

Tara is brave.  She is not afraid to search for what she wants, or to say “that’s not it” and keep looking.

Tara is definitely not into the sappy side of life, but too bad – Tara, my life is better because you are my friend. 

"About Me"

Even on my FAVORITE blogs, I hate the "About Me" section. This is a place to tell the world about yourself. How the hell are you supposed to do that without inadvertantly doing one of these:
- be accused and convicted of self aggrandizement (Bonus: SAT word!)
- degrating or omitting your accomplishments for fear of above
- or lastly writing something so boring no one will ever read your blog again!

Oh, the stress of having a blog.

So, I came up with this brilliant idea to have my closest friends write the "About Me" section for me. Who knows you better than your friends? Let me clarify, I've spent countless hours boozing, studying, talking, laughing, crying, bickering, bantering, complaining to and about these friends, and everything in between. These are not my Facebook friends or my Twitter followers or friends from any other social media outlet. These are my real life, in person friends. Each of them has brought something special to my life and changed me for the better. Thank you to each of you for providing your "About Me"s.

At the risk of sounding narcissistic, I'm dedicating a whole week to my "About Me" section. If you don't know me after this week then you never will.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Damn, These Kids Are Cool | Weddingbee

Damn, These Kids Are Cool Weddingbee

Brand New Blogger!

Holy hell! How does EVERYONE have a blog!?! Just setting it up is overwhelming! (PS if you couldn't tell I love exclamation points! Lots more to come!) Color choices, font choice, etc. I just want it to look decent so I can write on it. As for all of my choices thus far, I reserve the right to change them at any time. I know that continuity is good for a brand but I'm not a brand I'm a person. People are fickle, have mood swings (many in my case), and have the ability to rummage through their emotions and pop out which ever one they feel like without reasonable cause. That last one, in fact, is my favorite.

This blog is a outlet to do just that, post my rants and raves, favorite things and learn a little bit about social media along the way. That's all for now!